How does Emergency Ride Home work?

Emergency Ride Home is a benefit to help commuters get home in an emergency. If you commuted to work some way other than driving alone, and you are unable to return home, our rideshare service will reimburse you for up to 100 miles (including tip) for your taxi ride, a ride from a network transportation company (such as Uber or Lyft), or bus fare, up to four (4) times a year.

Emergency Ride Home is only available in the case of a personal or family member illness, unexpected overtime, or when your carpool or vanpool is unavailable to get you home. The program does allow you to stop and pick up a child at school or daycare, if needed.

To use Emergency Ride Home...
  1. Register with us that you're using an eligible mode to commute. ERH is only available to people commuting via a non-single occupant vehicle mode (carpool, transit, vanpool, bicycling).
  2. You may use up to four (4) trips/365-day period.
  3. When you request reimbursement, you get a printer-friendly form. Simply print the form and follow the instructions, which are to complete the form, attach your receipt, and mail it to our office.
  4. As you use each trip, it is tracked in the Every Commute Counts database. Every Commute Counts always keeps your information private and does not share information with third parties.
  5. At any time you may view your ERH program status, including the number of trips taken and number available to use.